Forschungsinstitut für Nachhaltigkeit Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam

Symposium on Collective Behaviour Change


The Taiwan KLASICA symposium is the first in a series of events intended to advance understanding of and stimulate action on collective behaviour change toward just and equitable sustainable futures. In this symposium, the focus will be on cases of island and isolated communities in Asia seeking paths to sustainable futures.

Participants will reflect, discuss, and learn from a broad spectrum of carefully selected cases about what worked and did not work regarding collective behaviour change towards sustainable futures, as observed in a variety of projects within the thematic frame of island and isolated societies.

The symposium focusses on the following question: What are frames, actors and processes that potentially support or hinder adaptive collective behaviour change (CBC) in a community seeking to move to sustainable futures? 

A portfolio of concepts and methods for the analysis of case studies was developed in the IASS KLASICA workshop in February 2016. The Taiwan KLASICA symposium will lead to new research collaborations, workshops, symposia, and publications in journals and social media and in new approaches to actions to meet the challenges of global change. It will bring together researchers, practitioners and policy-makers, contributing to the so much needed exchange and interaction between these different spheres.

The four-day, highly interactive symposium features extensive in-depth discussions, short and focused presentations, poster exhibitions, interviews, world cafés panels and breakout sessions.

Participants are about 60 representatives from civil society, business and government, NGO practitioners, artists, social scientists, natural scientists, humanities scholars. A set of 6-9 case studies will be selected and responsible individuals (both practitioners and researchers) invited to present them for discussion and analysis in the symposium.

Venue: The Risk Society and Policy Research Center (RSPRC) located in the new building of College of Social Sciences of the, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.

For more information, please contact Angela Borowski.

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