Research Institute for Sustainability Helmholtz Centre Potsdam

The Post-2015 Climate Agenda: A Role for Climate Engineering?

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The Ecologic Institute and the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies Potsdam (IASS Potsdam) cordially invite you to a discussion forum on:

The Post-2015 Climate Agenda: A Role for Climate Engineering?

The topic of climate engineering – targeted interventions into the global climate – has been gaining increasing attention, especially over the past five years. Most recently, it was included in the Summary for Policymakers of the IPCC’s Working Group I report. Working Groups II and III of the IPCC are also addressing climate engineering. The climate negotiations over a Post-Kyoto Protocol are running in parallel to this, and are scheduled to conclude by 2015.

Many climate engineering approaches, from the afforestation of entire continents to ocean fertilization and the targeted manipulation of global average temperatures, are being discussed controversially. Especially concepts for “Solar Radiation Management” raise the question of whether, and if so how, they can and should be included in international climate politics. What would be the consequences of a possible introduction of climate engineering in the international climate negotiations? Can we imagine a future climate regime that actively incorporates such measures? What might be the features of such a regime?

This topic will be discussed by:

David Keith, Professor at Harvard University. Professor Keith has been researching climate engineering for almost 25 years and is one of the most prolific experts on the topic. Recently he published a new book, “A Case for Climate Engineering”, in which he lays out arguments for why research on Solar Radiation Management should continue and why it should be considered as a serious option in the fight against the consequences of climate change.

Ralph Bodle, Senior Fellow at Ecologic Institute. Dr. Bodle has been actively participating in the international climate negotiations for many years and works on the legal aspects and the design of a future climate regime. He has also written several assessments on the legal questions of climate engineering and their possible regulation at the international level, among others for the secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Office of Technology Assessment at the German Bundestag, and the German Environmental Protection Agency (Umweltbundesamt).

The event will be held in English and takes place

on November 27, 2013,

at 7 pm

at the Ecologic Institute, Pfalzburger Straße 43/44, 10171 Berlin.

Media representatives please register at media [at] iass-potsdam [dot] de (media[at]iass-potsdam[dot]de. )

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