Research Institute for Sustainability Helmholtz Centre Potsdam

Sonja Thielges

Dr. Sonja Thielges

Research Group Leader


sonja [dot] thielges [at] rifs-potsdam [dot] de

Sonja Thielges (on maternity leave until late August 2024) joined RIFS as a research associate in August 2016 and leads the research group "Industrial Decarbonization Strategies". Sonja is a non-resident Geoeconomics Fellow at the American Institute for Contemporary German Studies at Johns Hopkins University and volunteers as speaker of the research group on Global Issues at Kölner Forum für Internationale Beziehungen und Sicherheitspolitik e. V. (KFIBS). Sonja's research focuses on the global energy transition. Her current research interests include the politics, policy and governance of industrial decarbonization, public perception of CO2 utilization strategies, the geoeconomics of a global hydrogen economy as well as transatlantic climate and energy relations. Before coming to RIFS, Sonja was a member of the Americas Division at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), where her research focused on U.S. climate and energy policy. She also worked on projects at the Environmental Policy Research Centre (FFU), the Institut für Europäische Politik (IEP) Berlin, and the Centre International de Formation Européenne (CIFE). Sonja completed an M.A. in North American studies, political science and modern history at Freie Universität Berlin and Indiana University Bloomington. She completed her dissertation "Constructing Climate Change in the U.S. Rust Belt. Political Discourse, the Media and Climate Policy Frames in Michigan and Indiana" at the John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies of Freie Universität Berlin. She conducted field research for her dissertation as a DAAD-funded visiting researcher at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor as well as in Washington, D.C.

  • On maternity leave until late August 2024
  • Since 2022 Research Group Leader, Industrial Decarbonization Strategies, RIFS
  • Since 2021 Speaker of the research group "Global Issues", Kölner Forum für Internationale Beziehungen und Sicherheitspolitik e. V. (KFIBS)
  • Since 2020 Non-Resident Fellow, American Institute for Contemporary German Studies (AICGS), Johns Hopkins University, Washington, DC
  • 2019 PhD (Dr. rer. pol.) John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, Freie Universität Berlin
  • March-May 2019 DAAD/AICGS Fellow, AICGS, Washington, DC
  • Since 2016 Research Associate, IASS
  • 2011-2015 Member of the Americas Division, German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), Berlin
  • 2014 Visiting Researcher, Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
  • 2011 Project assistant "Transatlantic Urban Climate Dialogue", Environmental Policy Research Center (FFU), Freie Universität Berlin
  • 2011 M.A. in North American Studies, Political Science, Modern History, Freie Universität Berlin

CV Download:

  • Politics, policy and governance of industrial decarbonization
  • Public perception and acceptance of CO2 utilization technologies
  • International Dimension of the energy transition
  • International climate policy
  • Energy and climate policy of the United States
  • Political discourse and communication

Publications at the RIFS

Publications prior to joining the RIFS

  • 2022: "Transformationspolitischer Vorreiter oder Nachzügler: Gelingt den USA der Schritt in die Zukunft?", EU, USA und China - das transformationspolitische Triell, Stiftung Arbeit und Umwelt der IGBCE
  • 2021: "Auswirkungen der Klimaschutzpolitik der Biden-Administration auf amerikanische Nationalparks", Online-Themenabend: Was können wir von Nationalparks lernen? Naturgewalten und Klimawandel auf beiden Seiten des Atlantiks, Atlantische Akademie Rheinland-Pfalz.
  • 2021: "US-amerikanische Energiepolitik und die Folgen für Europa", Onlineseminar-Reihe: Energieversorgung in Europa. Wirtschaftspolitische, sicherheitspolitische und umweltpolitische Aspekte, Fridtjof Nansen Akademie am WBZ Ingelheim.
  • 2020: "German climate policy since Reunification. National and international dimensions", American Institute for Contemporary German Studies (AICGS) (webinar).

  • 2019 German Academic Exchange Council (DAAD)/American Institute for Contemporary German Studies (AICGS): Research Fellowship
  • 2014-2015 Forum Ebenhausen e.V.: Dissertation fellowship
  • 2015 German Academic Exchange Council (DAAD): Conference grant
  • 2014 DAAD: Short-term dissertation fellowship for PhD candidates
  • 2006-2007 Indiana University Bloomington, Department of Political Science: Graduate exchange fellowship

Sonja Thielges, Research Associate

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